Blasphemous The Game
Blasphemous - The Board Game
Blasphemous - The Board Game
Cvstodia is waiting for you! Get the FREE Penitent One Expansion!
Cvstodia is waiting for you! Get the FREE Penitent One Expansion!
You can request a refund for your order at any time. If your request is after the campaign but before we close the pledge manager, you will receive 90% of your pledge. Once we lock the pledge manager, but before we begin fulfillment, you will receive 50% of your pledge. Once fulfillment begins for your zone, no refund will be possible.
What's in the Box
And all the unlocked SG.
How to play
Learn how to play
All of the art and design is final. Depending on the number of backers, production time may vary, but our plan is to start shipping games as soon as possible.
We truly believe in engaging in effective communication with our backers, therefore, we will keep you informed on our progress and the production regularly via Gamefound updates.
In the following image are the prices for the shipment of 1 copy of Conservas.
Shipments in the USA will be handled by Fulfillrite.
Follow us
Download rules
Please note that most countries impose a sales tax on everyone within their territories when purchasing any product. The tax percentage may vary depending on the country. In accordance with Spanish law, we are required to collect VAT/sales tax on any products sold to sponsors residing in our country. The amount of VAT will be calculated based on the total value of the order plus shipping, in accordance with the regulations. We will then remit the VAT/sales tax collected to the appropriate tax authority.
Backers residing in European Union countries (including Spain) and UK are subject to VAT/sales tax assessment. VAT, along with shipping costs, will be calculated and added during the Pledge Manager phase a few weeks after the campaign ends.
Risks and challenges
We have run more than 10 successful campaigns in the past, so we have experience delivering rewards to our backers. We have already established contractual relationships with our manufacturers, fulfillment partner, and pledge manager. This will help us to hit the ground running immediately after the campaign ends. All campaigns are unique and will present their own challenges along the way. We vow to handle them quickly and with the best interest of our supporters in mind.
Creador responsable de este proyecto: SALTANDPEPPERGAMES SL haciendo negocios como SaltandPepper.
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