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Resumen del proyecto

Seed of Vanrs
RiotMinds present another important corner stone in the Trudvang setting. This third sourcebook of the world of Trudvang covers everything you want to know about the mysterious elves (but first sourcebook for Trudvang Adventures 5E).
From that misty dawn when the first trees rose up through the dirt and the first heavy drops of rain nourished the ground, the elves have lived in Trudvang. It was here that they landed, blades of light spearing down in bright unbroken beams alongside their gods, and seeded the first forests. Slowly, over many years, a new world began to take shape beneath their feet. Then as now, Trudvang is an inhospitable and wild place. The land is blanketed by forests so lush and so deep that even the elves don't travel here. The elves by necessity live lead a nomadic existence, moving from place to place so as not to scar the landscape with the marks of their existence. They are the guardians of this place, nurturing the land they have chosen to call home. Their lives are dedicated to protecting these lands. It is about keeping nature in balance. Anything that might cause an imbalance is a threat.
Trudvang Chronicles and/or Trudvang Adventures for 5E. Cover art by Paul Bonner
We will release, for the first time, never before published, material about the Trudvang Elves. Explore the sacred and ancient places and locations such as the great falls of Inakka, or the Ygghanna, the oldest tree in history where the Illmalaini elves bury the dead. We let you and your players visit the breathtaking Valkalainen, the Gate to the Stars. This book will take you to a dark and secret path towards the mysterious dark elves, the Korpikalli and uncover the secrets why they abandoned the gods.
PLEASE NOTICE! THIS IS AN EXPANSION TO THE TRUDVANG CHRONICLES RPG OR TRUDVANG ADVENTURES 5E. In order to play with these books you must have the core rules of this game.  For more info about Trudvang Chronicles and Trudvang Adventures please visit:
Trudvang Chronicles was voted "The most anticipated game in 2017" by ENWorld's community.
Art by Alvaro Tapia
In this Kickstarter you can choose to back either the Trudvang Chronicles and/or Trudvang Adventures (for 5E) editions of the book. Same information in both books but with different rules. One for playing with Trudvang Chronicles, and one for playing with Trudvang Adventures.

Reward Abbreviation Explanation
  • [TC] = Books aimed for the Trudvang Chronicles setting
  • [TA5E] = Books aimed for the Trudvang Adventurers 5E setting
  • [TC & TA5E] = Both sets of books. One for the Trudvang Chronicles setting AND one for the Trudvang Adventurers 5E setting
Sample layout
The mighty forest spirit "Sámalikka" - worshipped by some Korpikalli elves (Art by Ola Larsson)

The scope of this kickstarter is to deliver one sourcebook, an adventure campaign, together with some meaty strechgoals, should we be successful.
This campaign is aimed at funding the English version of the following items:

  •  Sourcebook - Seed of Vanirs (hardback, approx. 120+ pages) 
  •  Adventure Campaign - The Elven Road (softback, approx. 100+ pages) 
  • All stretch goals that we managed to unlock

Should you decide to back both Trudvang Chronicles AND Trudvang Adventures you will get everything included for each game!
Our goal is to deliver this package in November 2021 depending on how long editing and printing will take.
This is a funding campaign, and portions of the work are set to take place after we know if we are successful in the funding or not. This means that we have to engage writers, editors, printers etc, after the campaign ends, but will keep you updated on the progress we make.
Please, consider the delivery date only as an estimate, not as something which can be accurately predicted at this point. Too many factors can delay the production, albeit pains will be taken in order to respect the deadline as much as possible.
The core book will be filled with artwork from various artists and Paul Bonner is our cover artist for the source book and the adventure.
Play a wild Korpikalla elf! (Art by Daniel Zrom)

Adventure written by: Alexander Urbanek. Cover by: Paul Bonner
Cover by Paul Bonner
Shadows fill the small glen even though the sun roars high in the sky. They are sitting on branches, dangle beneath them and play between gnarly roots and the rocky ground. The narrow space between the trees is buzzing with countless ashen sparks, dreaming to be powerful like those wurms of old but content with scaring mice on the ground and squirrels on tree bark.
As the shades dance around the clearing where a tree once fell, rays of sunlight are caught in countless orbs assembled between two mossy stems. Surprised, the beams hop like flat stones jumping across calm waters, joyful in the sparkling sheen but fearful of the depth they are crossing, and sink in soon. Some light slides down between the orbs, sinks into black skin and lightens it to splendrous blue before it reaches rows of large fangs beneath. Like the legs of storm horses running down souls high in the skies, those fangs are constantly moving, running the thin air, smelling, tasting and scratching against each other to bring forth words fine like cobwebs and sweet like the stench of rot.
"What do you want to know?"
On the other side of the clearing the pool of light is stirred up as a shape of pale silver bends forward like bleached driftwood that rolls in the waves. Over the white flash of pale skin there runs shimmering green of summer beetles and lush meadows to reveal two darkened ponds of eyes where the green is hiding under the shadows of large stones which have been drinking there for ages.
Shadows fill the mouth beneath that pair of eyes as it answers, "Tell me about the Elven Road."
Art by Justin Gerard
The song so far:
The adventure asks for a group of three or four advanced adventurers who are not only capable of surviving in the wilderness for a long time but who are evenly versed in the way of the skalds to listen to and entertain the different beings they will encounter. The sung, the truth, the lie should not frighten these warriors as they will prove essential for a journey to hunt down a dream, to walk along stories and to avoid the attention of a being that will spot them through their actions on the Elven Road.
The adventure is structured into three parts. The first one can be played straight, while the second is modular. It can be played randomly or up to the GM. In this second part the adventurers have to explore the Elven Road and speak with other beings, because they need to hear and collect the folktales of the Elven Road to know where to find the demon. The actions of the warriors, their ability to discern truth from lie, what stories they are told by well-meaning or mischievous beings will paint the image of the demon in their minds and alert it to their presence on the road. While the Elven Road is the hunting ground of this old terror, it is aware of the danger to be found. Therefore it seeks and listens for elvish words and deeds on the road.
The adventure will consist of 100+ pages.
Play a high born Illmalaini elf (Art by Daniel Zrom)

 "The history of the elves is both rich and fascinating, stretching far back beyond the hours when man first cried out in the despair of birth to a time before, when there was nothing. All species have their own myths and legends, and as time marches on that myths spin in different ways, offering different morals or mysteries. The long-lived elves are no exception. There are a great many tales recounting how they came to Trudvang and why. The variations may be slight, but those differences can be telling.
There is no truth when time has travelled so far from the root of it all that none who were there remain to tell the events, there is only memory handed down from one ear to another, being reshaped and reimagined though the telling, though common to most of these legends is the belief that the elves descended from the cold darkness of space and like spears of starlight, they struck the bottom of the world and settled.
What role they played within the universe before their descent, or why they chose this location, remains a mystery, even to the skalds amongst their number."
Vartijas - Elven guardians
 The extra fluff
At the 4th pledge level (Misturelf or Serguront) you get that thing that you have always wanted... the Game Folder! Put all your note-papers, hand-outs and character sheets in this Trudvang folder! One for Trudvang Chronicles and one for Trudvang Adventures. Same cover though.
Hard to live without this one!
Stretch Goals
Stretch goals as follows:

Background chart
  •  200.000 SEK (approx. € 20.205 | $ 25.250)
  •  Stretch goal: Background chart
  •  Status: UNLOCKED 
We add a chart in the book with special background features for your elven character. Roll on this table and you will have the chance to be the guardian of the great tears!

Extra content package
  •  300.000 SEK (approx. € 30.310 | $ 37.890)
  •  Stretch goal: extra content package! A couple of pages of Elven herbalism!
  • Status: UNLOCKED

Soundtrack by Simon Kölle
  •  400.000 SEK (approx. € 40.410 | $ 50.500)
  •  Stretch goal: 2 elven soundtrack by Simon Kölle
  • Status: UNLOCKED

Extra content package
  •  500.000 SEK (approx. € 50.510 | $ 63.115)
  •  Stretch goal: More tablets! Extra content with new toikalokka tablets 
  • Status: UNLOCKED

Celestial guide for the elves of Trudvang
  •  600.000 SEK (approx. € 60.615 | $ 75.740)
  •  Stretch goal: Celestial guide for the elves of Trudvang
  • Status: UNLOCKED

We produce Adventure in Hardback of Elven Road 
  •  700.000 SEK (approx. € 80.820 | $ 100.980) 
  •  Stretch goal:We produce The Elven Road as a hard cover book.
  • Status: UNLOCKED

We give you a new elven sub-race! Talviakka, the frozen ones!
  •  800.000 SEK (approx. € 80.820 | $ 100.980)
  •  Stretch goal: Talviakka, new sub-race 
  •  Status: UNLOCKED 

Poster Map
  •  1.000.000 SEK (approx. € 101.025 | $ 126.230)
  •  Stretch goal: We produce a poster map with major elven sites marked out
  •  Status: UNLOCKED 
Talviakka - the frozen ones

Seed of Vanirs: Trudvang Chronicles

Seed of Vanirs: Trudvang Adventures 5E

Seed of Varnirs: [TC] + [TA5E] Trudvang


ADD-ONS Trudvang Chronicles

ADD-ONS Trudvang Adventures 5E