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Limbo: Eternal War 1.5
Limbo: Eternal War 1.5 por Limbo Miniatures Limbo Miniatures
Experience an exciting war as you command the Forces of Light or Darkness in an attempt to shift Fate in your favor.
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Resumen del proyecto

Limbo: Eternal War is a miniatures-based tactical skirmish game. Strategize as you choose your Army, Upgrades, Powers, and Stats.
Fate crystals are sources of power. Channel them wisely to enact godly powers and trigger special abilities, but be cautious, your loss is your opponent's gain.

Craft your Deck of Unit cards and choose the Miniatures they match
Form your Deck of Upgrades and Equipment, to choose from for each battle
Configure your Fate decks that will help turn the tide in the Eternal War.

Position your units, and perform devastating attacks. Chain powers, fates and skills to enact awe inspiring combos.

Become a legend in the Eternal War.

You can visit the original Limbo: Eternal War 1.5 Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page here

If you would like to learn more about the world of Limbo: Eternal World and Limbo Miniatures, feel free to visit our website.

Productos destacados

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Upgrades (for returning backers)

This Category is only open to Backers who pledged for Reinforcements, Due to lack of clarity, we'd like to adjust this to help you, if you have any feedback to make this clearer or just have questions, comment in Kickstarter, here, or the Discord, and we'll endevour to make it clearer for you and all other backers.



Expansions: Core

Expansions: Aslan

Expansions: Demon

Expansions: Noadin

Expansions: Angel


Miniatures: Individual Game Models

Did you want to run two games with the same Hero? or just want an extra one to paint differently at 40mm scale?

75mm Resin Models

Models for painting and display.

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