Minipainting Sketchpad is a set of small resin castings, intended to be used as practice pieces for miniature painters. Whether you are a beginner who needs to work on paint consistency, blending or freehand skills; intermediate painter who wants to practice new techniques or use of lights and shadows; or master artist who just wants to sketch something in-between big projects or check out some ideas - our mini tiles will give you something to scribble on. Just like a real-life sketchpad that you keep at hand ;)
This is also comfortable solution for anyone performing painting demonstration or teaching workshops - to quikly showcase a subject or technique, or having one's students practice a subject, but without having to use the proper miniature to do so.
The models come as square tiles, depicting front halves of female heads; think of it as a 2.5D portraits. We focused on the faces, with enough hair and shoulders to give them a context. The models are available in two sizes: I call them "bust size" and "figure size", and all throughout this page these definitions will be used. Bust size models are approximately in 1/9 scale, one of the most popular scales for miniature busts. Figure size are scaled to approximately 75mm scale, the most popular for whole figures.
The size of the background tile is 21x21 mm for figure size and 36x36 mm for bust size; the thickness of background tile is around 2 mm for both sizes.
I've decided to settle for three girls, meaning three base models. Each one has five different face expressions. I named each girl to give them a bit of personality - because it's fun ;) Each version is numbered for ease of reference in case you want to pledge at "Workshop pack" level.
Here they are, in digital render form so the detail of face expressions is clearly visible:
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All throughout the projects development, I had the honour and the privilege to consult it at different stages with some of the most talented, inspiring and experienced painters. It's only fair that they were the first to have a look at finished product, and here's what they have to say about it (this section will be updated as campaign goes on and more feedback comes to me):
Ana is "godmother" of this project, she has been invaluable source of feedback on the pieces from the very inception of the idea. Even so, I'm left speechless after seeing what she could do with these models... An amazing artist.
While only available in Polish, KFS Miniatures portal is well know for in-depth reviews and modelling articles. Well worth checking out for close-up photos of our tiles.
A group of friends painting together on regular painting jams, I'll take it as a thumbs up for our models :)
Risks and challenges
As this is my first foray into the world of crowdfunding, I wanted to make sure that what I offer to backers is achievable. To that end, all the 3D sculpting, printing and mouldmaking was done beforehand (except for stretch goals, which were done during the campaign), to make sure there will be no technical difficulties on the way, and also to be ready for production as soon as campaign is finished. With that in mind, there are several factors that may influence the production and delivery process, such as the availability of chemicals for resin casting or changes to international delivery services policy. While these are out of my control, I feel obliged to mention them as such factors are most likely to cause delays (if any). Also, it's hard to predict the actual demand for this kind of product, as to the best of my knowledge there are no similar products on the hobby market at this moment; shall the demand exceed my expectations, this might as well cause slight delays in delivery. I will make sure to keep the backers up to date, should any of these circumstances appear.
Refunds and cancellation
If you would like to resign in part or in full from your pledge DURING the pledge manager, you can contact me via email provided here and request a partial refund or cancel the pledge. No question asked, I'll do a refund minus Kickstarter and payment processing fees.
If you would like to resign in part or in full from your pledge AFTER closing the pledge manager, you can contact me via email provided here and request a partial refund or cancel the pledge. No question asked, I'll do a refund minus Kickstarter, Gamefound, payment processing and administrative fees.
However, once I start packaging pledges (estimated 2nd January 2024), no refund will be possible.
Creator responsible for this project: Paints of War Jan Mateusz Staszek doing business as Minipainting Sketchpad.
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