Legacy Pledge Managers Closing, WebP support & more

To be honest, we don’t expect many people to miss them too much. They were very limited: they didn’t allow people to follow them, they didn’t offer Stretch Pay, etc.

We discontinued working on that pledge manager system over a year ago, but some of these old pledge managers are still open. You know the pace of Gamefound’s development. We try to release new features every two weeks. Keeping the old system running has always been a cost. Removing it will help us be more efficient.

So, what does this change mean for creators on the platform?
  1. All old pledge managers (the ones that required you to add your own Stripe account) will be automatically closed on October 1st, 2024.
  2. If you want to keep them running, you can recreate them in our new system.
  3. You’ll retain access to all the data from them, including export orders, etc.
  4. All pledge managers created after a Gamefound campaign, as well as external pledge managers made after May 2023, are not affected in any way.

What else are we changing?

Apart from this change, we’ve made improvements to our onboarding process, meaning it should now be a smoother experience for "sole proprietorship" types of businesses. Also, a reminder that you now only need to go through the onboarding (KYC) procedure once for all your projects on the platform, unless certain documents expire, etc.
Another update we’ve introduced for creators is the possibility to upload images in .webp format.

If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to contact us via our contact form or on our Discord channel.

Maciej Kuc
COO of Gamefound