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Resumo do projeto

Goetia: Nine Kings of Solomon is a dark euro game where players will be contacting, conjuring and worshiping Demons.

Goetia: Nine Kings of Solomon has some fresh ideas on worker placement. The most noticeable mechanic is how the costs at the edge of the world are changing as players are sending their followers out into the world to gather resources.

Players must carefully plan their actions so as to not benefit the other players. Albeit each worker you place into the world, will make it cheaper for all of the players. The world and game board is constantly evolving as more demons are being conjured. As the game progresses, what was once expensive, has now become cheaper. And the focus of the playfield has moved from the world - to the dark world.
How to play videos

Roll for Crit has an excellent video explaining the core mechanics of the game,
Richard Ham at Rahdo Runs through Goetia shows several rounds of gameplay in an early prototype.

Local Pickup is available for the following locations:
  • GameManiacs, Lidköping, Sweden
  • Drakar & Mazariner, Halmstad, Sweden
  • Gothenburg, Sweden (Release Party)

Goetia: Nine Kings of Solomon