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Project overview

Pocket Book Adventures is a solo-only, minimalist dungeon crawler that’s built for travel. Explore dozens of maps, encounter unique monsters, fight powerful bosses, level up, grab loot, and do it all with nothing but the book and a pencil!

Rather than using dice or cards to generate randomness, Pocket Book Adventures introduces a simple, dexterity-based system that balances skill and luck for truly engaging gameplay.
Each turn of the page gives you a new map full of monsters to fight and loot to grab! Simple rules make it feel almost like a vintage video game.

Simple Movement
Each turn, move 1-4 spaces in a straight line (you can turn if you hit terrain) and mark your new location. Pick up any loot or items you pass over. If you end near a monster, initiate combat with them.

Point & Write Combat
Combat is simple, but engaging. Put your pencil on the dot above the enemy's icon. Then - without looking at the page - lift your pencil and aim for the center of their target.

Where you land determines how much damage you take and even if you trigger the enemy's special ability!

Light Puzzles
Some maps are open world, while others have more restricted movement rules that create map-wide puzzles. If you want to open the chest for those levels, you'll need to figure out the right path to get there!

Boss Battles
Throughout your adventures, you'll encounter powerful boss monsters, each with their own unique combat rules and win conditions!

Travel Sized
When we say "pocket book", we mean it! Pocket Book Adventures is designed to fit comfortably in your pocket or purse!

"The mechanics here just work, and they work extremely well. The movement system is brilliant, the maps are very well designed and the difficulty curve is perfect."
- Moe, Tabletop Bellhop

"I actually really like [the aiming] mechanism, because it’s more skill than dice. I have more control over it… but also you don’t have to bring a die around with you."
- Ambie, Board Game Blitz

"It’s pretty clever how the designer was able to make this not be same-y. It could easily get repetitive, but that’s not what you see in this. You have a new challenge each page you flip over, and that’s really kind of cool!"
- Lance, Love 2 Hate

"It’s crazy that they pull it off so well! I was thinking at first that maybe it might be too simple… [but] it’s a great mechanism and it works perfectly in something like this."
- Zach, Nacho Average Tabletop

"To have all that stuff going on in a book that I can slide into a pocket and take with me anywhere I go is really fun!"
- Karl, Purple Moose Plays

Written Reviews
"[The] different movement rules bring a real puzzle element to some levels which causes one to pause and really think about the optimal strategy."

"Pocket Book Adventures provides a solid dungeon crawl experience in a small package… Highly recommended!"

"Pocket Book Adventures is an amazingly fun and innovative solo experience. It’s unlike any other game I’ve tried."

"I think the aiming system is honestly genius. It encodes random rolling into a pseudo-dexterity game effect that you can actually get better at."

Pocket Book Adventures features a host of simple icons that fall perfectly in line with its minimalistic nature. Many of those icons come from and are used under the CC BY 3.0 License. Without the incredible talent and generosity of illustrators like Lorc, Delapouite, Caro Asercion, Skoll, and Cathelineau, Pocket Book Adventures may never have existed at all.