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Przegląd projektu

Set in feudal Japan, in this stand-alone game you will play as one of six unique characters from that era. They each have an individual power, a mysterious secret and an intricate miniature. Explore this fascinating, beautiful world, build majestic pagodas and Shinto shrines, learn ancient eastern wisdom or fight fearsome monsters. This is a sandbox style game, how you play is up to you!

Floating World plays over three phases which repeat until one player has gained a victory condition. All phases occur simultaneously meaning there is no downtime and no upkeep, it is always your turn!

The game is huge, containing over 230 tarot-sized cards, 12 intricate miniatures, hundreds of tokens and is filled with beautiful Ukiyo-e style Japanese art, all digitally remastered to regain the original vibrance of the era. 

Philosophia: Floating World fuses innovative game mechanics closely to its theme to create a satisfying and streamlined experience. Using a unique fusion of deckbuilding, ‘I cut you choose’ and simultaneous play, it is designed to be endlessly replayable. With 7 different game endings, 36 unique character abilities, asymmetric play and an adjustable level of difficulty in solo mode, this game has zero downtime, zero upkeep and deep player interactions, there really is something for everyone!

The artwork and game design are all complete so the creators are looking for funding to create their first print run. Back the Kickstarter and you will get the full experience with all stretch goals included for $89 plus customs friendly shipping to the US, EU, UK, Canada, Australia and China. The campaign will conclude after 30 days. Backers are expected to receive their rewards by or before April 2021.

This is also an excellent opportunity to get hold of our first game Philosophia: Dare to be Wise at a very reduced price. The East meets West Philosophia Experience is the best deal available to get your hands on these games!

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Philosophia games are a series of games which seamlessly blend engaging gameplay with ancient wisdom. The games play from 1 to 6 players and feature some of the highest quality production you'll see in modern board gaming!