Il progetto è attualmente aperto solo per i sostenitori con crediti. Non puoi aggiungere nulla al tuo pledge perché non ne hai.

Panoramica del progetto

The Game

Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan is a campaign game that respects your time. Having busy lives ourselves, we wanted to create a dungeon crawler that offers all the action and intriguing narrative of a big campaign game, but does so in game sessions of an hour or more!

With 1 to 4 players, you'll be able to dive into an accessible, cooperative RPG-like board game experience full of meaningful narrative choices and intense combat scenes. Take on the role of a hero and work together to backflip, double-slash and charge your way to victory!

The app-driven story full of surprising twists lets you navigate your way through a city full of intrigue and remembers your choices which will ultimately determine the fate of the empire...

If you want to take a better understanding of the game, then you can check the Kickstarter campaign -here-.

Towards the bottom of the page, you will find preview and playthrough videos in different languages. If you select the “Updates” section, you can also find our news and Kickstarter updates for the project. You can also find a brief game description here in French, Polish and Spanish.

Also, if you want to join our Mighty community of gamers, get exclusive sneak peeks and maybe even become a playtester, make sure to join our Discord Community. Click here to join.

Success at SPIEL and PAX U
The Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan KS campaign was an amazing journey! Thanks to your support, we were able to make this action adventure a reality. Our backers have been nothing but amazing and on top of that, we received great feedback from all of you who came by at SPIEL!

"It's one of the best games I played in a long time and definitely the best dungeon crawler game ever. Yes, even better than Gloomhaven. I played it TWICE at Essen Spiel to try different characters. It was the same dungeon and I had a great time both times.” - backer Marcelloab

"The perfect game for our busy lives" - boardgameswithcouple

Late Pledgers
Welcome to Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan Late Pledge! Thank you for considering to join this campaign and offer your support to this unique cooperative dungeon crawler!
 Why should you support Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan? 

  • Each Limited Deluxe Edition is uniquely numbered for the first print run and only available here.
  • You receive a Free Boss Miniature Set and Encyclopedia PDF with your Base Game!
  • With all the Stretch Goals that have been unlocked during the campaign, you are taking at least €159 worth of product in the Adventurer's Pledge and €204 with the Emperor's Pledge!  
  • You'll receive a copy of the game before it hits retail.
  • All pledge levels and add-ons are at the same price as the Kickstarter campaign.

To get your copy of Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan:

  1. Select your pledge and choose your language for the Base Game, the Expansion (if applicable) and the Encyclopedia PDF.
  2. In the Check-out page, review your pledge details and complete all your shipping details. Please also add your phone number, as we cannot ship items to you if we don’t have it. Here you will be informed of the shipping cost of your items as well. 
  3. On the payment page, double check your pledge summary, select your payment method and submit your order.

KS Backers/ Order Finalization

If you have backed the Kickstarter campaign, the Pledge Manager is where you will finalize your pledge, provide your mailing address, and pay for shipping. 

Your will find your KS pledge in your cart. If you would like to add any number of add-ons and additional pledges, please do so on this page.

To finalize your order, you'll need to follow the next steps: 
  1. Click on the cart icon to view your pledge. You will need to choose your language for the Base Game, the Expansion (if applicable) and the Encyclopedia PDF.
  2. In the Check-out page, review your pledge details and complete all your shipping details. Please also add your phone number, as we cannot ship items to you if we don’t have it. Here you will be informed of the shipping cost of your items as well. 
  3. On the payment page, double check your pledge summary, select your payment method and submit your order.
What’s New in the PM?
In the Pledge Manager you will find some add-ons that were not available during the KS campaign. To find those, make sure to check the “New Add-ons” section on your left hand side. 

You'll be able to add more pledges, more Boss Miniatures and Expansions.

Shipping Information 
Please note that the information which was displayed during the KS campaign were shipping estimates, as the pricing was not finalised with our hubs. Shipping was NOT charged during the KS campaign, this is why when you checked out, it appeared as 0. You will have to pay for the shipping charges here, based on your delivery address. We have tried our best to provide the best possible quotes and we are utilising multiple hubs for fulfilment.
Shipping in the EU, UK, USA, Canada and Australia is friendly, meaning you will not have to pay for customs when you receive the game. For the rest of the countries, you may be asked to pay for import fees, depending on your country's policy.

For EU backers, your country's VAT rate will be applied on your total in the pledge manager.
For any information with regards to shipping, as well as overall news on the work that is being done on the game, we are giving updates on our Kickstarter. Make sure to check either of those, as you will not receive an email if you are a Late Pledger.
If you have questions, please send us an email at : and we will be happy to assist you.
* Mighty Boards retains the right to continue to sell this edition of Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan in the Pledge Manager, the Mighty Boards website, as well as conventions. By pledging here you agree to the Risks and Challenges that were described in the KS page.


For retailer pledges please contact


Group Pledges