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Panoramica del progetto

In Glen More II: Chronicles each player represents a Scottish clan leader from the early medieval ages until the 19th century. Will you focus on growing barley for whisky production, invest in cattle to sell on the markets, travel to other clans in the Highlands to cooperate or will you focus on gaining control of many famous lochs and castles? You will need to make the right decision at the right time.

Collect the most fame and you've made it! You win the game and your clan stands above all others. SlĂ inte mhath!

Glen More II: Chronicles is the first Kickstarter campaign of Funtails, a fledgling board game publisher from Germany. It was funded in under three hours.

Add-On buys

Please be advised that the LaserOx Inlay is only available for EU backers at the moment. Shipping to the US & Worldwide is very high with our current solution and we cannot recommend it.

We are however talking with renowned US manufacturers to provide the US with a more sensible offer. We plan to update the Pledge Manager with an additional US inlay once we worked out these issues. We will keep you in loop with all the updates.

If you still want to order one of the EU inlays for the US or Worldwide, please contact us at for details.