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Présentation du projet

Welcome to the...Through Ice and Snow pledge manager!

Playing on a modular board players captain their own ship in a bid to document species, build vital shelters and map treacherous landscapes. Each voyage brings unique challenges for your crew to face.

Succeed and become immortalised. Fail…and be lost to the ice forever!

If you’re already a backer:
Step 1: Verify or upgrade your reward tier
Step 2: Browse the add-on section - we’ve added loads of products!
Step 3: Confirm your shipping and lock in your order. 

Want to jump aboard? 
Late pledge now and enjoy all exclusive content and cheaper than at retail!

Don’t miss out on:
🪙 Exclusive metal ship, coin and helm token
🧊 Choice of exclusive BIG BOX or two boxes
🚣‍♀️ Four highly thematic solo scenarios
🙌 Over 50 stretch goals unlocked in the campaign

For more information, check out the original Kickstarter campaign

Delivery: This is a pre-order for an estimated delivery date of July - August 2023.

Retailers: Please place your order outside of Gamefound with this link.

If you have any questions please email us at alex@2tomatoesgames.com

Gamefound Rewards
