Add-on availability, transaction exports and... a GRAND ending to 2023
Add-on availability
We’ve added an option in the general project settings that turns on and off the possibility of pledging add-ons only. Now, you can decide if you require a backer to select a reward in order to purchase add-ons.
Backers will see a warning when they can’t purchase only an add-on.
Transactions exports
We implemented a feature that will allow you to see which transactions are bundled in a single payout. This will simplify the reconciliation process on your end.
The feature will be made available gradually as our finance team needs to migrate each project to the new settlement flow manually. For technical reasons, the settlement of incoming payments will be changed from 3 business days to 5 calendar days.
If you wish your project to be prioritized in the migration process, contact your Account Manager. Remember that only users with the admin or invoicing manager role in the project will have access to this section.
The enhanced reporting will be available to all payouts that happen post-migration and will not affect past data. The transactions section is available in the project’s finances.
Summing up 2023
As the development process is pretty complex and depends on many aspects, this may be the last entry this year. If this is the case, there’s a lot to look back on for us, and we’re looking forward to 2024 bringing more amazing features.
The whole Gamefound team has been watching the newest Nemesis campaign day by day to see its growth to become the most funded project on Gamefound so far (can we beat the record next year? We'll definitely try!). We're very proud this game has won the hearts of so many people. Nemesis: Retaliation has beaten all our records including the number of followers, backers, funding... and it's not slowing down! We hope the grand ending of 2023 will carry us on to 2024 on a rising wave. It is all thanks to you!
This past year has been an incredible journey. For the platform, for our creators, our projects, and even personally. It’s been inspiring to see the continued growth, to see Gamefound embraced so heavily with so many incredible campaigns and announcements of campaigns to come.
I want to thank you for all your support, and we hope 2024 is going to be the greatest for all of you! Happy New Year!
Alex Radcliffe and the whole Gamefound team