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Project overview

Designing a board game requires a lot of creativity, but also some discipline when it comes to the most vital part of the process: playtesting your game. The Fail Faster Playtesting Journal will guide you throughout your playtesting process to ensure that you’re capturing the right information as well as guide you towards improving your design. 
At its core, the Fail Faster Playtesting Journal contains pages to keep track of 36 playtests. The journal is most useful if you dedicate one journal to each game that you are designing, but you could easily use one journal to keep track of all the different games you’re designing. Each section has been tested and planned for optimal use of space.
Check out the Kickstarter page for more in-depth information about the journal: Fail Faster Kickstarter Page 

The PDF of the journal will be available at the end of your order!

NOTE: I've only allowed Canadian currency to show here to keep things simple.

Fail Faster Playtesting Journal

Game Design Session