[What's new?] Introducing installments on Gamefound & celebrating over 1000 projects

stretch pay

We’ve introduced the possibility of paying for a pledge in installments. The installment plan will be defined by the creator, and the number of installments to pay will be the same for every backer. Payments are collected monthly and currently completely free of any extra cost, 0% interest, and no fees.
Details for creators 

Installments aren’t enabled by default. We can enable them for any campaign at the request of the creator, even after the project has launched. Once turned on, installments will be charged monthly, and the creator will get the money as they’re collected (in line with the payout plan). It will be possible for a backer to switch to Stretch Pay from regular payment if it’s applicable to their pledge. 

The creator needs to set the number of installments and the minimum value of the pledge to choose this payment method. This means the number of installments is the same for all backers, no matter their pledge value. Stretch Pay may have its own refund rules, and proper info must be included in the refunds & cancelation policy. 
While there are no additional costs, installments are subject to our standard 20 cents per transaction, which has always been applied to every payment (every installment is treated as a separate transaction). 

Pledges paid with installments will count completely toward the funding total of the project. 

If you want to enable installments for your project, contact your key account manager, and they’ll be happy to take care of it for you. 

Details for backers 

Not every campaign may offer installments, as it is up to the creator to use them or not. The creator also has to set the minimal pledge value for installments and the number of installments, which will be the same for all backers. Backers will be charged monthly for the installments and will be able to see the summary of their payment plan on the pledge preview. Backers can also switch to installments even after choosing normal payment. 

Stretch Pay to address your needs 

We believe stretch pay will be an excellent and natural addition to crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is an incredible tool for the gaming community, but it comes with some downsides. You’re often paying for a game before you get it, and sometimes the deluxe nature of crowdfunding means you can get some incredible games but also at higher price points, which may not always work within your monthly gaming budget. We’ve all been there, and we believe that Stretch Pay is a natural solution for both of these issues. 

At the same time, our goal is that it’s used to back responsibly. We want stretch pay to enable you to make the decisions that work for you around your gaming budget and around your timelines, and not as that incentive to be able to get one more game that you probably shouldn’t have. There will always be another game that excites you, and you don’t always need to go all in.  

Back responsibly with Stretch Pay by Gamefound.

1000 projects on Gamefound! 
We’re happy to share this milestone with you – we’ve hosted 1000 projects on our platform! 
It’s been a long journey. We started in 2016 as a pledge manager platform dedicated to board games. We grew into a fully-fledged crowdfunding platform at the end of 2019, starting with the amazing campaign of ISS Vanguard. Over the next 3 years, we have been focused daily on the development of Gamefound to become the best crowdfunding and pledge manager platform in the tabletop space. We’re on the right track, as the number of creators and backers using Gamefound is growing daily, and together with your feedback, we have constantly been adding improvements to the platform, never content with what we’ve done but rather always focused on how we can continue to improve. 
We’ve accomplished so much together, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Currently, the Gamefound community has almost 850k backers and 600 creators, numbers that are continuing to grow every single day.
So far, we’ve processed 1,729,352 pledges and had 794,904 backers following all campaigns. We don’t want to bore you with numbers too much, but there are some we’re extremely happy about. For example, the conversion rate of followers to backers, which on average is 23.7%, with 2135 backers per project. The greatest follower-to-backer conversion on a project we’ve reached is 54.68%. Since we launched crowdfunding, we’ve hosted 175 campaigns, and on 17 December, 2 years have passed since the first one!

We’ve been trusted by many amazing creators who exceeded the impressive million-dollar mark and one reaching over $2mln:

KeyForge: Winds of Exchange by Ghost Galaxy
Ravaged Star: Armies of the Veil-Touched by MiniWarGaming
Sunnygeeks 1.5 – Modular Gaming Table by Rathskellers
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies by Red Raven Games
There are many, many others, but it’s nice to see some of those projects, showing that Gamefound isn’t just a platform for board games alone, but rather Gamefound can bring your project to life anywhere in the tabletop space from board games, miniatures, game tables, accessories and more. We’re looking forward to your next project being part of the next 1000 in 2023!
The road so far 
We’ve been pretty busy this year, and you can expect a summary of 2022 soon. In addition to crossing 1000 projects, we’ve had many other milestones and accomplishments that we’re looking forward to sharing with you. It’s been an exciting year for the platform, and we’re happy you’ve been here to share it with us, we’re looking forward to tackling 2023 together.

Alex Radcliffe 
CMO of Gamefound