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For a limited time, get the core game for a reduced price of only $35 - or pay only $1 more to get the core game and one expansion for $36! (A savings of $10 for the core game, or $24 for the core and one expansion.)
Do you want the ultimate Twisted Fables experience? Then get the exclusive Deluxe Edition - available at a savings of over 50%! You'll get 10 fables with miniatures, foil epic cards, plastic tokens, a neoprene game mat, an art book, and more for only $75! (A $165 value - save $90!)
Interested in learning more about Twisted Fables? Then check out the game's campaign page by clicking here!
The estimated delivery date for Twisted Fables is May 2021.
The Deluxe Edition is only available in North America and the EU at the moment!