Du kannst zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine Artikel zu deinem Pledge hinzufügen.


Thank you for supporting the HeroRise Masculine Archetype Deck on Kickstarter and welcome the Pledge Manager.

If you backed the Kickstarter campaign, this is the place to finalize your pledge, enter your shipping address, and pay for shipping. This is also the place where you can buy additional copies of the deck and add-ons. This will be your last chance to get the discounted price from Kickstarter.

The pledge you have chosen during the Kickstarter campaign is already in your Shopping Cart (top right). If you don't want to add any more decks, just click on the shopping cart to check out.

NOTE: At the end of checkout it will subtract your pledge amount and you will only owe what is left. That will cover shipping costs and add extra copies you decided to get.

Miss the Kickstarter?  Here is a video from the HeroRise Kickstarter and the message behind the deck:

Ausgewählte Produkte

Am meisten empfohlen!

HeroRise Masculine Archetype Deck