Přehled projektu

Welcome to Dinoverse, a prehistoric world where dinosaurs roam. It is here that you will learn how to survive with your pack against the ever-changing landscape. Will you be able to adapt fast enough and manipulate the herd to your advantage, or will the transformations leave your pack broken?
Use the Carnivores to cull the Herd and benefit from the rising body count.  Expand the Herd with Herbivores and defend yourselves against the bloodthirsty Carnivores with all the tools available to yourself. The fate of the Herd is in your hands, will you lead them to abundance? Or devastation?
Dinoverse is a 2 to 5 player game where each player is assigned a Pack, consisting of 2 Dinosaurs, that journey alongside the Herd. The Herd is a central pool of dinosaurs that will interact with one other. Use each Dinosaur's unique ability to manipulate the Herd to your advantage. Carnivores eat other Dinosaurs and score from the rising body count while Herbivores grow the Herd, and earn points by defending it against the Carnivore's onslaught. Manipulate the game end events to your advantage based on the type of Dinosaurs in your pack. The player with the most points at game end, wins!

Each Dinosaur in the game has a unique ability and unique scoring method. The game uses 5-7 different types of Dinosaurs out of 11 types and using different permutation of Dinosaurs will result in a fresh playing experience!

This is the pledge manager for Dinoverse. Please refer to the Kickstarter page for further details https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/capitalgainsstudio/dinoverse-a-dinosaur-card-game

The shipping fees are not included in this campaign and will be collected during the pledge manager. The current fees are based on the most recent rates and Capital Gains Studio will be subsidizing a large portion of the shipping cost as a promotion for our campaign.

We may also ship the games in separate packages as there is a large jump in shipping fees for packages that are 2KG and above. Therefore, it becomes more economical to ship in smaller packages as a bid to help our backers save on shipping.

We also reserve the right to decline any shipping to countries with an active armed conflict or a country with a high chance of non-delivery. We will refund any pledge made in this case after a review with our logistics partners.

In the case there are additional charges or fees due to taxes or customs, do drop us an email and we will reimburse any relevant custom fees to our backers.

The expected delivery date of Dinoverse is Jan 2023.

Pledge Rewards
