Exciting update - new tools to monitor your campaign!

We've got a lot to cover, so let's jump right into it:

Introducing new features
We've expanded our Analytics view! Some of these were tested by creators already, but we're happy to introduce these features as they leave the alpha version and are now available for every project that started July 2023 or later.

First off - we present "Traffic and Pledge sources", a view that keeps track of your marketing efforts and shows where the views and pledges come from. There are three categories, in short:
-"Gamefound" - tracks organic traffic sources, like clicks from our e-mails or homepage.
-"Unknown" - tracks direct links that don't have any referring domains or codes (can be from chats, and sessions that started on the page from a previous session, etc.)
-"Referral" - tracks every link from a referral domain (like Facebook, Google, etc.) and lists them.

Next in line are "Product Ranking" and "Location Ranking" views - showing you best performing rewards and countries with most backers. You can even track best performing rewards in any given country. Rankings show top 10 items, but can be exported to show full data to include in your in-house analytics.

We also included a view that's dependent on funding stage - being "Project Parameters". Every stage has its own view and include different data.

For Pledge Managers you can track progresses of stretch pay, fulfillment and order completion:

For Crowdfunding you can also access "General project parameters" for Stretch Pay tracking, and see crowdfunding progress. We prepared something special for Upcoming projects - creator audience tracker!
In this view you can check on interesting numbers, the most important being "Total creator audience". This number represents actual number of backers who followed or backed any of your projects (if someone backed or followed more of your projects, they're counted only once). It excludes people that unsubscribed from notifications, so your total audience means people that will get notified on the launch of your next campaigns!

Improving the graphs
For crowdfunding campaigns, dates are now displayed clearly in 24 hour intervals, not dependent on time zones. It's important to note that last day will be shorter if launch and end hours are different. For time spans other than "Crowdfunding", UTC (0000) remains the default to ensure consistency. You can also see cancelled pledges on the graph.
Additionally, we've included a fifth graph that helps in tracking comments. We just started collecting the data needed to display this graph, so this feature will not work retrospectively, and will put every existing comment as made on day of release.

Stores are included
The Analytics section is also coming to Stores! This of course includes the quality of life changes mentioned above. Stores analytics will not be working retrospectively and will only track sales made after the update.

UK tax number verification
Last quality of life update now allows UK backers to pledge as a 'registered VAT payer'.

We're excited to give you access to these features, as we believe these will prove extremely useful!

Until next time
Alex Radcliffe
CMO of Gamefound