You can't add items to your pledge at this time.

Project overview

Welcome to the Pledge Manager for Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread!
If you are a Kickstarter backer, this is where you will confirm your pledge, as well as choose anything you might want to add onto your pledge. If you're just joining us, feel free to pick any of the pledge levels and join the adventure!

For details on Arydia, Stretch Goals, and project updates, please see the Arydia Kickstarter Page.

Timing of Shipping Costs
Normally we would charge shipping costs during our Kickstarter campaign, or as soon as the Pledge Manager is open. This time, because of the high volatility of the shipping market, we are choosing to wait until as late as possible to charge shipping costs.

Summer 2022 (July-August) - Pledge Manager Closes: We'll send a round of emails letting you know it's time to finalize your pledge, and pay for shipping / tax.

Featured products

Most recommended!


By popular demand, we're offering our first game, XIA and expansions for you to add on to your pledge.

Last Chance Pledge!